12th February 201812th Feb 18Jon Billingsley2 Minute Read

6 Business Card Trends to Watch Out for in 2018

Business cards are a fantastic way to convey your company’s message and build your brand. No longer simply an exchange of contact details, they are now a tactile way to connect to customers through print design.

Not sure how to make yours stand out from the crowd? Keep reading to find out 5 business card trends to watch out for in 2018…

1. Minimalism

Minimalism is set to take hold of the business card world in 2018.

Yes, it’s important to get all the information – company, address, phone number, website and social media handles – but it should all be delivered in a straightforward way. A busy and chaotic card will only confuse clients, while a clean design is direct and gets straight to the point.

2. Match Up

If you want to leave a lasting impression with your business card, make sure it mirrors your brandings, whether that’s on your website, marketing material or signage. This means connecting the colour schemes with matching images, symbols or logos.

This helps build a more cohesive brand, which will help people remember your business and recognise it too.

3. Interactive design

This year, shape-shifting designs, with puzzles, windows or transformable elements, are set to take off. This is a great way to show off your creativity and innovation, whilst helping to make your brand more memorable.

4. Print quality

One way to impress is with the print quality of your business cards. This shows you take your branding seriously and that you’re willing to go above and beyond. A few things to consider when choosing top quality print and materials.

  • Heavier and thicker card stock
  • Letterpress and embossing
  • Die-cut designs

5. Big and bold typeface

Make your typeface big and bold this year on your business cards. This will draw the eye to all the essential information. Particularly the company name and tagline. Also choose a font that clients can easily read – you want it to be simple, remember?

When branding the whole company, make sure the same typeface is used across the board, just like the colour scheme of your website design.

6. Keep it fun

With all these previous elements and trends, you can create a professional and unique business card. If you want to go one step further, why not add a dash of humour?

Try adding bold colours, geometric shapes or even some word play. Going off-piste could be the difference between successfully or unsuccessfully landing a new client.

Need some help? 

If you want to make the right first impression with an innovative and memorable business card, look no further than Bing Digital. With 20 years of experience we know how to stay ahead of the trends with print design. With everything from brochures, business cards and stationary we can help we all your branding needs. If you want print design you’re proud of, get in touch today and we can help you.

Find out how we can help you

If you would like to discuss the possibilities, why don’t you give Bing Digital a call on 0800 802 1206 . Alternatively, complete a contact form and we’ll be in touch soon.

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